My Headlights are Dim – Could it be my Alternator?

Car alternator repair service

My Headlights are Dim – Could it be my Alternator?

Our cars increasingly rely on the alternator. Many new car models have smaller batteries and therefore rely
more heavily on the alternator functioning to its full capacity. Auto mechanic shops such as ours encounter
alternator problems more frequently than we used to do.

Is It Your Battery Or Your Alternator?

Many of our customers rush out to buy a new battery when they notice a problem with their car starting. A
battery problem is a common cause of a non-starting car. But, if you find yourself going through a lot of
batteries, your vehicle may instead need an alternator repair.

When do alternator problems occur? Alternator problems are perhaps more common during the colder part
of the year. However, as our cars now rely on a plethora of electronic systems, alternator repair services are
more frequently required.

Recognizing the difference between a battery and alternator problem is not always as straight forward as it
may seem. Yes, you may notice a loud pitch sound coming from your engine when you have an alternator
problem, but that is not always the case.

A spinning noise can also indicate your car has an alternator problem.

Is The Alternator A Throw Away Item?

The alternator is not necessarily a throw-away item. On some makes and models, it can be repaired.
Alternator repair kits are available and we often use them for emergency repairs.

When you are concerned about any part of your car’s performance, you should contact us. Minor electrical
malfunctions can also indicate a problem with the battery or alternator on your car. It is best to have a
professional technician in one of our auto mechanic shops check it out for you.

How Long Does It Take?

Finding out if your alternator needs a repair does not take long. This is a relatively fast car repair. But, at the
same time, we would like to stress it depends on the make of your car.

Cars such as BMW’s have more advanced systems and sometimes they take a little bit longer to check out.

You can choose to wait with your vehicle or return home. Once we have identified the problem, we will go
ahead and contact you.

Thanks to the experience of our excellent team of technicians, a solution is normally in place fast. We will
talk you through the problem to ensure you are fully aware of what is going on with your vehicle.

Regular maintenance of your vehicle will help to keep your car in good condition and can even help to avoid
unexpected repairs.

Our fully equipped auto mechanic shops in Toledo Ohio offer anything from regular maintenance, servicing
to more advanced repairs. We deal with all makes and models and are happy to give you a quote for your

If you have any concerns about your vehicle, all you need to do is to pick up the phone. We will arrange an
appointment for you to come and see us.

We offer a fully professional service and are happy to give you advice on how you can best look after your
car or other vehicles. Just give us a call and speak to our friendly team.

alternator vs battery:

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